About Scott

Scott has been widely published in books and San Francisco Bay Area media and continually shows work in galleries and other public venues. His photographs have appeared in many publications including The Sun Magazine, Travel and Leisure, Common Ground, Shift, Bennington, Utne, VIA, Shots, Smithsonian, the San Francisco Chronicle , The New York Times, South Florida Magazine, Artnews, Outside Go, Australian House and Garden, LA China, Bay Nature magazine, Terrain Magazine, and Arts in the City, a book published in 2015 by the San Francisco Arts Commission.  2017 saw the publication of Scott’s book “On a River Winding Home with historical stories by historian John Sheehy.

Places of exhibition include: Falkirk Center, San Rafael; Limn Gallery, San Francisco; Zenitram Gallery, Santa Rosa; Sonoma Museum of Visual Arts, Santa Rosa; The Design Center, Miami, Florida; The Institute of Noetic Sciences, North Marin County; The Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco; the Sonoma County Museum, Santa Rosa and the Sonoma Valley Museum in Sonoma.

The ongoing challenge is to find a practical, walkable path through the immensity of it All with one evolving viewpoint through time and space   My practice is based on the attempt to stay wide awake and creatively responsive to the world.  One of the results is a body of, perhaps 100,000 photographs that fall into three or four basic categories,-  landscapes, cityscapes, people, and “abstract/symbolic”.  Many feature a “decisive moment”.  The strongest images combine more than one of these.  The mosaic of imagery seen here follows the imagination as it interacts with people and place- weaving in and out from the particular to a wider world.

My photography is generated from layers of fascination.  The first and basic fascination involves the human ability to frame and select forms, patterns and  realities from the immense flow of stimuli  in which we live, adapt and create.  The second fascination is with the natural landscape that underlies the cultures of the world.  The third fascination is with the cultures and mental worlds arising in conjunction with those landscapes, and the fourth fascination is with the quest to discover, reflect and amplify emergent threads of connective meaning arising from moment to moment.